Where your donation go
The funds raised are transferred to AUEED to support its projects and other activities. AAUE Board of directors works in close collaboration with AUEED management to identify needs and ensure that your donations will have the greatest impact.
AAUE manages the donations entrusted to it very tightly, so that the funds raised provide the maximum benefit for the children, women and youth of the less fortunate communities in Upper Egypt. Over the past five years, 80% of AAUE excess of revenues over expenses were transferred as grants towards financing projects presented by the AUEED. and about 20% to cover fundraising, mailing and other operating expenses expenses, a level which compares favorably with other small charitable organizations. For further details please consult the 2013 Financial Statements.
The Association is subject to regular overseeing by its donors. Furthermore, we file Form 990-EZ or 990-N with the Internal Revenue Service and with the state of California. These forms are available on GuideStar website at http://www2.guidestar.org/organizations/95-4577682/american-association-upper-egypt.aspx#.