Where we work

Less fortunate communities of Upper Egypt have the power to take their destiny in hand and improve their lives, and AAUE is helping them to do so by working with our local partner, AUEED, to develop and enhance their capacities through education and development.

The generosity of our Corporate donor, The Ford Foundation has resulted in significant financial support to AUEED over the years. As a result, we have transferred 1 million $US to our partner AUEED over the past ten years.

How is a project planned and initiated ? 

AUEED initiates all projects and presents to us a detailed description, project plan and budget for review and evaluation. The project is then proposed to our donors for financial contribution. If approved, AUEED must provides us with adequate guarantees that the projects will be properly managed within budget and completed on time.

For each project, regular progress reports versus pre-established goals and budgets are submitted by AUEED.


In all our projects, we support the following Millenium Development Goals:

For more information please consult the United Nations 2010 report Millenium Development Goals


Financing of education programs and activities

Depending on AUEED's annual operating budget, certain activities require the financial help of AAUE and international donators, notably:


Future projects

The AUEED is facing important challenges, namely:

As a result, in 2013, the AAUE has decided to support (with its Canadian sister organization PACHE) a new initiative aimed at reducing malnutrition in 18 elementary schools primarily located in Assiout.