Fields of activity

 The AAUE principal function is to raise funds on behalf of the Association of Upper Egypt for Education and Development (AUEED), an Egyptian Non Governmental Organization. The AUEED is devoted to empowering underpriviledged communities in Upper Egypt through education and social development programs. The AAUE monetary contributions are mainly allocated to formal education.


Formal education


AUEED owns and manages 35 elementary and 3 preparatory schools currently with an enrollment of more than 11,100 boys and girls (44% are girls).  Scholarships allow students from modest families, most of which living in poverty, to access this reputable high quality level of education. AUEED recently extended education to cover the preparatory stage in a number of schools.


Eradication of illiteracy


With an adult literacy rate of 56.5%, illiteracy is a major problem in Upper Egypt. A literacy program for adults (above 15 years of age) provides the basic skills of reading, writing, arithmetic, and general knowledge based on on Paulo Freire pedagogical philosophy whereby education leads to freedom.


Maternal and child health care


AUEED supports the government and local community efforts to reduce mortality rates among pregnant women and infants (0-2 years) through the Mother and Child Health Care Program (MCH). Mortality rates vary from 62 to 85 per 100000 births and reflects the fact that only 41% of birth take place in a hospital. Pregnant women and infants come to the 24 MCH centers for regular check-ups. The centers also work on raising the awareness of pregnant women and lactating mothers about health issues that enable them to take good care of their health and that of their babies.

Improving children health and sanitary practices in schools and reducing mother and child mortality rates as well as adressing the issue of malnutritrion are among the fundamental objectives of our local partner.

Socio-economic development


The AUEED is also involved in realizing socio-economic development mainly through 65 social centers dedicated to the development of life skills need to further social change and improve the quality of life for those living in these communities. This takes place through education related to helath, environment, culture and economic development and gender mainstreaming.